Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Days 2 & 3, Plus Confessions Of A Bona Fide Anglophile

I'm sorry I didn't post last night, Internet, but the season finale of "Glee" was on, and it took all my strength not to snack while watching it. I don't know if you have "Glee" in the UK, but to borrow one of your terms, it is "cracking" good.

Days 2 and 3 have been similar to one another. I have stuck to the diet without fail and committed to the fitness portion 100 percent. I am quite sore, of course, but it's a "hurts so good" kind of sore, the kind of sore that lets you know you accomplished something.

And there is progress! As of this posting I have lost three pounds, and even more amazingly, a whole inch (a whole inch!) off my waist! It makes it much easier to continue with the program when you see such immediate results.

By far my favorite part of this program is the way the exercise schedule is laid out. As a stay-at-home mom of two small children, committing to going to a gym for even an hour a day takes a lot of effort and planning, but the great thing about M.A.P. is that all the exercises (so far anyway) can be done right here at home, and with such manageable 15-minute sessions, it's easy to squeeze them into your daily life.

I especially love Dax Moy's "Meltdown Audio"... it makes the timing of the workout a no-brainer, and I'm going to come right out and say it: his British accent is quite adorable! In fact, I confess here and now that since childhood I have been a total anglophile, into anything and everything British. When I was in third grade my mother received a troubling call from my teacher informing her that I had been speaking with a British accent for over a week. What other ten-year olds do you know that are obsessed with "Black Adder?" What a nut.

Anyway, here's what I've been eating the last two days:

Day Two:
Breakfast: Yogurt, fruit, and a hard-boiled egg
Snack: Chopped veggies and nuts
Lunch: Chicken breast with green salad
Snack: Apple and hard-boiled egg
Dinner: Grilled salmon and vegetables

Day Three:
Breakfast: Scrambled eggs and fruit
Snack: Brown rice cake with hummus
Lunch: Spinach salad with tomato and hard-boiled egg
Snack: Pear with nuts
Dinner: Organic beef and veggie stir fry

So long until tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you like us Brits Carole - and many congratulations on your dedication and efforts here. You sould like you are really happy with the programme! :o) I am too! I'm 3 pounds down today and feeling great! Keep up the good work!
